Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thirst (Bakjwi) on DVD

 Thirst (2009) Poster

Jacket: "From the acclaimed director of the global hit Old Boy comes a shockingly original vampire story with a chilling erotic style.  A blood transfusion saves the life of a priest, but also transforms him into a vampire. He struggles to control his insatiable thirst for blood until a love affair unleashes his darkest desires in deadly new ways."

Wiki: "Park has stated, "This film was originally called 'The Bat' to convey a sense of horror. After all, it is about vampires. But it is also more than that. It is about passion and a love triangle. I feel that it is unique because it is not just a thriller, and not merely a horror film, but an illicit love story as well."

Disgusting. Erotic. Screwed up. Yeah, I loved it.

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