Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Cove on DVD

The Cove

A phenomenal and daring documentary. In Taiji, Japan, 23,000 dolphins are slaughtered every year. Rick Barry, Simon Hutchins and associates go in guerrila-warfare style to collect live evidence for the first time and expose Japan's dirty, little secret.

Activist Rick Barry is a rock star! You feel the weight of his guilt, having introduced the world to "Flipper", but also the strength of his conviction to save dolphins.

I may never go to Sea World or a dolphin park ever again. Did you know they feed them Maalox and antacids to them because they have ulcers from all the stress of captivity?

Warning: It will be gut-wrenching to watch them trapped and attacked and to see the cove become a blanket of red.

"The Taiji dolphin slaughter is scheduled to resume every September. Unless we stop it."

Maybe Douglas Adams had it right and we'll not know of our short-sightedness until we hear their parting words as they flee our puny planet.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

1 comment:

RC said...

I hadn't after watching the film really thought about Sea World - I'm guessing Sea World does NOT want you to see this film...what do you bet?

Japan's dirty little secret is pretty crazy...I imagine this is just one of those secrets --- especially the knowledge of what mercury does and still allowing it to be sold and giving it to children or marketing it as expensive whale meat????